Friday, August 10, 2012

Hello Everyone...

Hello everyone!

This past week has been a regular week without a whole ton of things going on.  We've spent alot of time trying to find more people to teach and trying to find the less-actives in the ward.  It's a lot of work, but it's worth it!  We've found 2 or 3 less-actives, who are starting to keep commits with church things again.

As far as investigators go, we have an investigator named David who is really progressing.  He has been meeting with missionaries for a long time now, the only problem is his job.  He works alot.  He invented a software that can detect who steals electricity.  So he's been traveling all over the country and nearby islands as well.  He is also contracting with a company in the US, so let's just say that in the near future he will be really rich!  But he is more excited of the spiritual richness that's coming into his life!  He told us that he knows the church is true and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God.  He is reading and praying everyday and wants to progress and finally get baptized.  He also made time to stop by and attend sacrament meeting last Sunday.  That made me way happy!!

Another investigator who is progressing really well is a man with 3 daughters named Beinviendo.  He shared with the missionaries about 8 years ago, and we just recently found him again.  He wants to share again, but the best part is his daughters want to know more about the gospel then he does.  So that's even better because he'll tag along with them.  He is a tailor and is trying to just make a living in life!  He and two of his daughters even attended church this past Sunday too.

On Friday was Elder Teran's birthday, so I planned with the office couple and we had a little party at the office.  A few Elders had to stop by, so it turned into a pretty fun little party.  We ordered food and just visited for a while, then of course we had cake!  It was really fun, and I think it really made Elder Teran's last birthday in the mission really something special.  But other then this small event nothing else took place this week.

Today, however, I went to the mission home and we saw some pretty interesting sculptures.  At thanksgiving point, there are a ton of sculptures from this artist named Angela Solsbury (I think) but anyways Megan probably knows what I'm talking about.  So we walk in and see these beautiful Christ sculptures and we start asking Sister Douglas about them.  Turns out she is really good friends with this artist, and so she has some of the few sculptures this lady creates.  They are absolutely amazing!!!  They look really cool!  I talked a lot with Sister Douglas and found out how cool of a lady she is.  She started this charity in Africa for leprasy and it's now a multi-million dollar charity with over 50,000 volunteers.  She has some really interesting stories and I just think she's awesome!

My spanish is coming along really good, and for the most part I can make out what people are saying.  Some people are still really hard, but my spanish is really coming along.  I just need to get the grammer down now.

The church is true and Jesus is the Christ!  I know that the lord can help us in all of our trials and can carry us when we aren't sure if we can carry ourselves!  Que vaya con dios!

Elder Jensen

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